A Recipe and Formal Debate for Simple Chocolate Cake

Why hello, my good friends! Welcome to this formal debate, where we’ll decide once and for all—what is the best cake? As your judge, jury, and executioner with exquisite taste, I hope you will find that your taste buds relate. Now away with this intro! The debate cannot wait. Up first, is the simple chocolate…

Easy, Freezy, Beautiful Chicken Fried Rice

It’s the latest fashion to buy, eat, keep (and repeat) frozen foods right now. So, here’s a recipe that you can make with all those frozen vegetables you have laying around in your freezer.

Empower Your Celery to Be More Than It Is; Make Celery Soup

[The Messy Cooker had two full heads of celery left over and decided to do something about it. Here’s her pretty-good attempt at making celery soup.] A single stalk of celery was feeling sorry for themself. They no longer wanted to be strung along by the rest of the family, which obviously contained cooler and…

Fresh Cherry Crumb Cake Recipe

Inspired by this summer’s collection of horror t.v. shows (Stranger Things) and movies (MidSommar), The Messy Cooker tries her hand at writing a deliciously dreadful opening…

Slow Cooker 101: 5-Minute Prep Mississippi Pot Roast

[The Messy Cooker uses a slow cooker for the first time and is shocked and amazed at how quickly she can prep meat (in five minutes, folks). She now messes with time and space to explain the origins of a chuck roast.] The date was 1582. A fine young man by the name of Chuck…

The Southern Delight: BBQ Bacon Bison Burger

[Back in February, I had the chance to visit my good friend Loo #1 in Montgomery, Alabama. While she’s originally from California, she has lived in the South for two years now and it has certainly started to influence her style of cooking; enter the BBQ Bacon Bison Burger, created by Loo #1 herself]

Juicy Jose’s Best Fudge Brownies Recipe

[This week’s recipe is from one of the most fantastic bakers I’ve ever met. Juicy Jose has bestowed her wisdom upon us so we can all make fudge brownies from scratch. So dangerous] Brownies are the meaning of true love. Everyone knows that. But not everyone knows how to make them the right way. This…

Trick Yourself Into Eating Breakfast with Banana Zucchini Oatmeal Cups

[Is that…a cupcake? For breakfast? Just keep telling yourself that…] There’s a reason why I’ve never published a post about breakfast foods—it’s because I rarely eat breakfast. I know, I know…it’s the most important meal of the day and blah blah blah. But if you didn’t have the same problem, then you wouldn’t be reading…

Simple Shakshuka Recipe (An Egg Lover’s Delight!)

The second I took a bite of Shakshuka (a piping hot, hearty, and maybe even magical egg stew), I was transported back to an ancient time. I began to speak in my native Hebrew tongue and I said unto my neighbors… Stop schvitzing already, I won’t get biblical on you. But I did have this…