Vodka Kahlua Cupcakes with Spiked Hot Chocolate Frosting

[The Messy Cooker gets personal as she looks back on the past year…and her choir years?] I’m not sure how, but it’s been one year since I started The Messy Cooker. It’s had its highs (becoming a latke!) and its lows (cutting my finger while making gummy worms), yet I’ve enjoyed every single moment of…

Get Figgy With It (Honey and Fig Cocktail Recipe)

[The intro to this blog post is the first in a series of food for thoughts] The clouds thinned, letting through sunbeams of orangesicle and pineapple sherbet. And still, I waited. Darkness marched overhead, commanding the stars to sprinkle throughout the rich and silken sky. And yet, I waited. One wafen moon passed after another….